Sadistic Spearmarshal

Purpose: Adrenaline-boosting skills allow for rapid and devastating use of powerful adrenaline-based attacks.

Spear Mastery: 12
Command: 12
Leadership: 3
Spear with a sundering or furious spearhead. Best Command shield available, preferably +30 HP.
Minor runes in Command, Spear Mastery and Leadership. Spear Mastery headgear.
Right before going into battle, use "For Great Justice" and Signet of Aggression to get an immediate 4 strikes of adrenaline. "For Great Justice" provides double adrenaline gain, so you will be able to keep up the high-adrenaline assault for a while. Re-use the shout as it becomes available, the Signet though takes too long to use to be practical in the middle of a fight.
Alternate between your four main attack skills throughout engagements. Use Barbed Spear on a target first for the best effect (causing an almost dead enemy to bleed is pointless). Then continaully use "Go for the Eyes!" and Cruel Spear as they become available for extra damage.
When neither adrenaline-based attack or buff is available, use Spear of Lightning. The combination of your two spear attacks and the critical hits caused by "Go for the Eyes!" will increase your damage output considerably. "Go for the Eyes!" also affects your teamates, so you will be increasing their damage output as well.
Disrupting Throw does no extra damage, but does interrupt your foes. Therefore it should not be spammed with the other spear attacks, but should be saved for specific strategic uses, such as to stop a ranger from using Troll Unguent or an elementalist from casting a big spell.
"Never Surrender!" provides a cheap party-wide heal for during more fierce battles.