Mission 7: Operation: Deep Sea

1. Survival - At the start of the level, the Soviets will rush you with a full naval assault (Dreadnaughts and Sea Scorpion anti-air ships). Start building a bunch of Destroyers as soon as you have battlefield control. Pillboxes or Prism Towers near the entrance to the bay will also help with stopping the assault. Once you’ve cleared the bay and repulsed the attack, position your remaining Destroyers at the entrance to the bay to guard it while you build up your navy. Keep the precious Aircraft Carriers well back in the bay until you are ready for your assault.

The other major for concern for survival in this level will be the Nuclear weapons used by the enemy later on in the level. With luck, the enemy will waste most of its Nuclear strikes trying to destroy your Naval base. If not, don't worry, the nukes can only really cause you problems if you don't repair or replace what they attack. You should have enough money in the level to replace and repair any damage they do.

2. Build Up - The enemy’s attacks will mostly come from amphibious transports and paratroopers. A the beginning of your build-up, put an engineer and some GI’s in an amphibious transport and send it to the top of the map, slightly left of your position. Capture the Airfield and put the GI’s in nearby buildings as guards. Build an Ore Refinery right next to the Airfield; it will be right next to the ore field and will give you quick cash.

Drop your first paratroopers into the city to the east, across the bay. Occupy some of the buildings there; these troops will help neutralize the enemy’s paradrop threat (although they may eventually drop troops directly into the middle of your base, so keep a pillbox or 2 in the middle of the base). Then use your later paratroopers to seize and surround (with deployed GI’s) the Lighthouse across the water from the Airfield; this will cut off one of the enemy’s favorite routes for sending in their amphibious transports. Once this route is cut, they will mostly come around from the south, so drop your men onto the south side of the base once the transports change direction.

Another useful tactic is to build a platoon of Rocketeers (about 10). Use them to clear as much as the map as possible (soon you’ll get a Spy Satellite to see the whole map, but until then you must uncover everything to see it), being careful of the enemy island to the Northwest. Once the map is visible, use the rocketeer squad to hunt down and destroy enemy transports before they release their cargo.

With the transports held at bay and cash flowing in from both refineries, you should have the time and resources to build up. I favor air strikes to get rid of the enemy Conyard, after which the battle becomes much easier. In many levels (including this one) if you can destroy the enemy Conyard, Barracks, War Factory and Naval base the enemy will surrender and you will win the mission. So always destroy these capital buildings first.
Build a few more Air Force Command centers (until you have 3-4) and fill them will planes, setting each group of 4 planes to a different hotkey. Also, build a 2nd big squad of Destroyers (about 10) to get the enemy Naval bases (there are 2).

3. Attack - By this point the enemy should have thrown many of its subs against you, so you should be able to send your 2 Destroyer fleets (1 from the beginning of the level, 1 you just built) to attack the enemy. Take out the anti-air Sea Scorpions first, as these will shoot down your plane squads; also, destroying the anti-air will allow your Rocketeer squad(s) to reinforce your Destroyers.
Move your Destroyers straight west to the edge of the level, then head up the left side until you see the enemy base on an island off to your right. Both Naval bases are in small inlets on the western side of the island, so from here your Destroyers should be able to easily take out the Naval bases. NOTE: the enemy may rebuild the Naval bases until you have destroyed the Conyard, so you can take out the Conyard at the same time as you attack the Naval bases.
You will probably want to destroy the Nuclear Missiles next, if not even before you move against the Naval bases. To destroy it, simply send all of your planes in for a massive air strike. Staggering each squad of 4 by a second or 2 will keep them from being shot down en mass by the enemy flak cannons. A single strike from 12-16 planes should be plenty to destroy any majro building. After the Nuke is gone, sacrifice a Rocketeer or two to reveal the location of the Conyard. Repeat the plane tactic to destroy the Conyard, War Factory and Barracks, and you’ve won! (in the unlikely event that the enemy does not surrender after losing its capital buildings, just use our Aircraft Carriers and planes to wipe out the rest of the base)
~ Lady ~