Adrenal Commander

Purpose: A well-balanced Paragon build that provides team support and a considerable offensive boost.

Skills Used:
1. Vicious Attack 2. Barbed Spear 3. "Go for the Eyes!" 4. Focused Anger 5. "Never Surrender!" 6. "Never Give Up!" 7. "Fall Back!" 8. Signet of Return

Command - 12
Spear Mastery- 9
Leadership - 9

Strongest Spear available, preferably with a +30 grip and a Barbed, Cruel or Furious spearhead.
Best Command shield available, preferably with +30 HP.
Minor runes of Command, Spear Mastery and Leadership. Command headgear.


The first four skills are your offensive skills to allow you to add to the team's damage. Use Focused Anger as you start attacking, your adrenaline needs should be more than met for the remainder of the battle. Start your attack with Barbed Spear, as the bleeding condition works slowly over time.

Then, once you have enough adrenaline built up, you can fire off "Go for the Eyes!" which will make your next attack a critical (this isn't guaranteed, but there's an additional 66% chance). Once you have this shout on you, your very next attack (and thus the one that will critical) should be Vicious Attack. If done correctly and you critical, Vicious Attack will do extra damage and will cause a Deep Wound.

Use Focused Anger, "Go for the Eyes!" and Vicious Attack to keep up the damage until your targets are gone.

The build also has some good support skills. "Never Surrender!" will give party-wide health regenration and "Never Give Up!" will give a party-wide energy boost. "Fall Back!" is great for retreating or running, and the Signet of Return helps you keep your allies in the fight.