Fatal Interruption

Purpose: An offensive build that combines multiple interrupts with powerful damage-dealing and condition-causing attacks.

Skills Used:

1. Disrupting Accuracy 2. Magebane Shot 3. Distracting Shot 4. Concussion Shot 5. Keen Arrow 6. Screaming Shot 7. Favorable Winds 8. Troll Unguent

Marksmanship - 12
Expertise - 10
Wilderness Survival - 8


A Flatbow works best, for the extra range and firing rate. Shortbow (for fast firing rate) or Hornbow (for armor penetration) also work. Use a sundering, silencing or barbed bow string.
Minor runes of Marksmanship, Expertise and Wilderness Survival with preferred insignia.


This build is designed for effective interruption, shut-down ability and causing damage. All of its skills serve at least one of these 3 ends.

The first 4 skills are all useful for Interruption. Disrupting Accuracy is a preparation that should be used before entering battle. It will cause any critical hits to interrupt (at 13 marksmanship you have about a 20% chance to critical). Magebane Shot has a low recharge time and will disable any spells it interrupts. Distracting Shot has a higher recharge time, but can disable any interrupted skill (not just spells). Concussion Shot also interrupts, but its very high energy cost means it is only useful in certain situations.

Concussion Shot's true value, and to a degree Magebane & Distracting Shot's value, lie in the ability to shut down the enemy. If interrupting a caster, Concussion Shot will daze them for 18 seconds, making them useless for the rest of the fight. Magebane Shot & Distracting Shot can also disable key enemy skills.

The 5th-7th skills are included to increase damage. Keen Arrow is a cheaper version of Power Shot that causes extra bonus damage with a critical, and Screaming Shot is a cheap way to inflict bleeding. Favorable Winds makes all arrows stronger, and as an added bonus, it will make your arrows fly faster. This can make a huge difference in whether or not you interrupt someone mid-casting or not.

And finally, Troll Unguent can help keep you alive in sticky situations.