Critical Barrage

Purpose: A high offense build that provides considerable spike damage for an entire group of enemies.

Skills Used:

1. Barrage 2. "Find their Weakness!" 3. "Go for the Eyes!" 4. Signet of Aggression 5. Keen Arrow 6. Screaming Shot 7. Favorable Winds 8. Troll Unguent

Marksmanship - 12
Command - 10
Expertise - 7
Wilderness Survival - 4

A flatbow (for increased firing rate) or a hornbow (for armor penetration) with a sundering bowstring and +30 HP grip.
Minor Marksmanship, Expertise and Wilderness Survival runes with favorite insignias (I just use the Stalwart Insignia).

This is my favorite Ranger build, as it is both highly-effective for combat and it can be altered to fit almost any situation (see below for single-spike variant)
The key to effective damage-dealing is timing. When you near a group of enemies, but before you draw aggro, cast "Find their Weakness!" Immediately after, use Signet of Aggression to start building up adrenaline (this signet requires you to be under the effects of a shout/chant to work). As soon as Signet of Aggression is recharged (about 5 seconds) use it again, so that you now have the 4 strikes you need for your other shout, "Go for the Eyes!"
NOTE: If someone else has already put a shout on you, such as a fellow Paragon or a Warrior, use that shout instead to build up adrenaline. That way you can use "Find their Weakness!" when you are ready to attack instead.
Now with both shouts on you, you are ready to attack. Your first attack will trigger the effects of "Go for the Eyes!" which will likely cause you to critical hit. Getting a critical hit will then trigger "Find their Weakness" and inflict a Deep Wound. Because both shouts trigger on your first attack, this first attack is vital. If you can hit multiple targets you should use Barrage, which will hit up to 6 enemies. If your enemies are too spread out use Keen Arrow instead for higher damage on a single target.
Keep in mind that your bow has the greatest range possible, so when you fire this first arrow your enemies are still unaware of your presence. Your pre-emptive strike will critical hit, cause additional bonus damage, and inflict a Deep Wound. With Barrage, you will be inflicting devastating spike damage on an entire group, defeating them before they knew you were there.
This spike damage can be increased with the use of Favorable Winds. Cast the spirit before you use any of the shouts or attacks; it will last a long time. It causes arrows to move twice as fast, making your attacks far more accurate. It also increases the damage of all arrows.
After your surprise attack, the rest of the battle will begin. It is now that you will start shooting Screaming Shot at your opponents to spread bleeding. When "Go for the Eyes!" becomes available, use it immediately, as it affects your entire team. Use your other attacks skills and shouts as needed throughout the fight.
If you come under concentrated fire, use Troll Unguent's health regeneration to save yourself.
Spike Variant:
This variant is useful for two situations: areas late in the campaigns where enemies do not bunch up, and for situations where you want to focus all of your firepower on a single target, such as a Boss battle, capping an Elite, or just against a bothersome Monk.
Keen Arrow provides the best solitary-spiking, especially because it causes even more damage if used with a critical hit (which you will have from the shouts). But for focused spiking builds, you will want to swap Barrage for Burning Arrow. Burning Arrow causes considerable bonus damage and causes your target to burn for 4 seconds, resulting in a powerful attack. Burning Arrow should be used immediately AFTER you use Keen Arrow and the shouts.
For additional damage and accuracy, Favorable Winds should always be used. Also, since you are no longer using Barrage, you can now add a Preparation to your setup. Good choices include Kindle Arrows and Read the Wind. Both a spirit and a preparation can add to your setup before your first attack, increasing the initial spike effect.
The net result of this setup (with a sundering hornbow) for your first 2 attacks is +102 bonus damage, critical hit, 30% armor penetration, Deep Wound & 4 seconds of Burning- a truly deadly spike.