BiP Support Necro

Purpose: A necro support build that provides energy, health and increased damage output for an entire team.

Skills Used:

1. Blood is Power 2. Order of Pain 3. Dark Fury 4. Well of Blood 5. Well of Silence 6. Well of the Profane 7. Life Siphon 8. Resurrection Signet


Blood Magic - 12
Curses - 7
Soul Reaping - 9
Death Magic - 6

The best Blood Magic staff available, preferably with +5 energy and either +1 blood magic or 20% longer enchantments.
Major Rune of Blood Magic (Superior is unnecessary), Minor Runes of Soul Reaping, Curses and Death Magic. Last rune should be a vigor rune or rune of attunement.
Radiant Insignia works best.

This build has a lot of skils to help out your entire team, but depending on the situation you may not use all of them. Thus, if you know what your specific situation will be, you can choose to take out some of these skills and put your own in instead.

You will be using 2 main kinds of skills here:

1. Orders Skills: The 2nd and 3rd skills are Orders skills, which are party-wide enchantments that require that you sacrifice health. Blood is Power (BiP), your elite, is also an enchantment that requires health sacrifice, but it is not party-wide. Because these require you to sacrifice health, you will often have to use them sparingly or not at all. If you can create a Well of Blood and stand within its healing radius, you will be able to use your Orders skills and BiP more frequently.

Blood is Power will provide an insanely large energy gain (+6 regeneration), and is highly useful for casters in your team, especially heavy-hitting Elementalists. You should alert your casters that you have this skill, so that they can Ping their energy (call out how much they have to the party) and let you know when to use BiP. You do not want to sacrifice 33% of your health unless the caster needs energy.

Order of Pain will increase the damage output of your melee fighters, and should be used as often as possible. Dark Fury, which is an orders skill even though Orders is not in the name, provides an adrenaline bonus. It is not practical to use this often in battle, so consider using it near the beginning of a fight only.

2. Well skills: Slots 4-6 are your Well skills, which use exploitable corpses to create spells that affect anyone within the radius of the corpse. These spells can only be cast when a corpse is available, so when corpses are scarce you must choose which Well skills to use carefully. You also must consider location carefully, as the Well is only useful if the desired targets are within its radius.

Well of Blood grants generous health regeneration to any allies within its range. This is useful in any fight, and often will be used more than once in a battle. Choose corpses that are among your teammates, which will often be those of warriors or other close-range fighters.

The other 2 Wells are more useful in certain situations. Well of Silence causes health degeneration and prevents the use of Shouts and Chants within its range. The silencing effect is most useful against Paragons (and to a lesser extent Warriors); this Well should be used heavily against Paragon-based enemy teams. For Well of Silence, you should target whichever corpse is closest to the enemy Paragon or Warrior.

Well of the Profane is similar to Well of Silence, in that it targets specific enemies. It prevents any and all Enchantment use within its range, which can be a huge problem for your enemies. This Well is useful against Casters, such as Monks and Elementalists, but it is truly devastating to most Dervishes. Use the corpse that is closest to your desired target, be that a Dervish in the front or a Monk in the back.

Other: Life Siphon is a fast, cheap and easy way to keep your health up. It is more useful than other Necro health skills because your high Blood Magic in this build. With Life Siphon on multiple enemies, you should have enough health regen to use your Orders skills freely. HOWEVER, be careful of using this skill, as it is your only skill that directly targets the enemy. This is the skill that is most likely to draw aggro to yourself, and as a sacrifice-heavy Necromancer you DO NOT want to have aggro.

Resurrection Signet is of course used to bring back any of your teamates you fall, although you should remember to use their corpse for a Well before rezing them.