Minion Master (Undeath)

Purpose: allows the user to create & maintain a large army of undead, and to increase their damage output considerably with Order of Undeath
Skills Used:

1. Deathly Swarm 2. Animate Bone Horror 3. Animate Bone Fiend 4. Blood of the Master 5. Order of Undeath 6. Dark Bond 7. Healing Breeze 8. Resurrect

Death - 12
Soul Reaping - 9
Healing Prayers - 9
Blood Magic - 3


The best Death Magic staff available, preferably with +5 energy and 20% longer enchantments (for Healing breeze).

Rune of Superior Death Magic (VERY important), Runes of Minor Soul Reaping, Minor Blood Magic

Radiant Insignias for more energy or Minion Master Insignias for more armor
