Silent Forge Runner

Purpose: One of the best running builds in the entire game, capable of doing the Droks run with relative reliability, speed and ease.

Skills Used:

1. Extend Enchantments 2. Fleeting Stability 3. Vital Boon 4. Mystic Regeneration 5. Vow of Silence 6. Enchanted Haste 7. Sprint 8. Balanced Stance

Mysticism- 11
Earth Prayers - 12
Wind Prayers - 6


One-handed melee weapon with a +5 energy mod and a 20% longer enchantments mod, such as the Totem Axe.

A shield with +45 HP (while enchanted) and -2 damage (while enchanted).

Minor Runes of Mysticism, Earth Prayers and Wind Prayers. Superior Rune of Vigor and Rune of Vitae or Attunement.

Radiant, Blessed or Survivor Insignias.


This build uses Vow of Silence to run past large groups of enemies without letting them target you at all to cast spells. This reduces the amount of damage you take greatly, and prevents slowing hexes from ruining your run.

Before each group of enemies, use the following sequence:

Cast Extend Enchantments, which will make all your enchantments last about 15-20 seconds and end at the same time. This 15-20 seconds is the window you have to run in.
Cast Fleeting Stability to prevent knockdowns, Vital Boon to increase your max health, Mystic Renegeration for +10 health regeneration, and finally Vow of Silence.
Vow of Silence MUST be cast last, as it prevents you from casting spells on yourself as well.

With these skills up, you now have considerable damage prevention and healing power. Use Enchanted Haste and Sprint to move past the enemies.

In areas of frequent knockdowns, such as the wurm path to Droks, use Balanced Stance while you cast your enchantments to prevent interrupts.

For less intense areas, you can only cast a couple of the first 5 skills and skip using Extend Enchantments. For example, using Vital Boon, Mystic Regen and Vow of Silence will allow you to run past most groups of enemies in earlier areas of the campaigns.