Mission 12: Operation: Chronostorm

1. Survive - First off, this phase will last almost the entire level. This level is tough, you’ll be hit by waves of enemy troops, nukes, V2 rockets, Kirov airships, and the new Iron Curtain superweapon that makes enemy troops invincible for a short time. So Move Quickly!

First, use a SEAL to blow up the power plant in the middle of the base. This will de-activate all of the brown Tesla Coils in the base, so you can blow them up while gunning down the enemy infantry. Also free the prisoners to the north right away, and send the freed Engineers directly into 2 of the oil rigs, so you can start collecting cash even before your base is up.

With the reinforcements, build your Conyard in the space where the power plant was. Build Barracks before Refinery, so you can start placing Pillboxes to the southeast and southwest of your conyard. Also send out 2 more engineers to get the last 2 Oil Rigs. Build Pillboxes by the Oil Rigs as well. If cash allows, churn out some GI’s to occupy the concrete bunkers at the Southeast and Southwest entrances.

The initial GI’s should be sent Northwest, out of that exit, to occupy a building just outside the base. If placed correctly, they will neutralize all threats to this entrance (which will be mostly V2 rockets and some tanks, both of which can cause devastation quickly if unchecked. With the GI’s placed here though, I didn’t even have to look at the Northwest entrance, except once to send an engineer to repair the GI’s building).

Most of the waves of enemy forces will come from the South, hitting the Southeast and Southwest entrances until they just bash their way through the walls. This is also the direction where most of the Kirovs will come from (which, if you’re unacquainted with Kirovs, can completely ravage your base in seconds if not stopped before they get above your buildings). So, to combat these waves of attacks, build a massive ring of varied defenses all along the southern side of your base. I had at least a dozen Pillboxes, 5-6 Prism Towers, Patriot Missiles, over a dozen vehicles (a mix of Prisms, Grizzlies and IFV’s for anti-air) and rank upon rank of deployed GI’s (you’ll see a bit later on how to easily get lots of GI’s). You will need a wide and DEEP defense line to keep the Iron Curtain invincible troops from stomping through your base.

Now, to neutralize the Nuke’s effect. The enemy AI is not very smart with regards to this (in my opinion); they will always go for your War Factory since it is one of your few capital buildings that they can destroy in a single Nuclear strike. You can use this knowledge to your advantage. Build your War Factory as far away as possible from other structures, I built mine in a remote Northern location. This ensures that ONLY the War Factory will be destroyed by each Nuke, and that your ring of weaker units to the south will be safe. The War Factory can be easily replaced if you are holding onto those Oil Rigs.

2. Build-up - Again, these are only estimations, as survival and build-up will be a problem throughout the mission, But with GI’s in the NW building and a growing mass of defenses to the south, you can start planning to expand and build.

First, build a 2nd Ore Refinery on the opposite side of your base from the first, so that the ore trucks go after different fields. You can also build an extra ore truck or two. With cash coming in and your War Factory placed far away, finish building up your tech tree. The Spy Sat will be vital here so make sure it is placed where it will be safe, but not near the War Factory. In general, keep your buildings spaced out, so as not to tempt the computer from nuking a different area. Later in the level, once you have plenty of cash, you may want to build doubles of your important buildings in case of nukes or slip-ups.

Even before you finish the tech tree though, you will need to start addressing the Northeast sector. Build some initial Pillboxes at the Northeast entrance when you are starting the rest of your base defenses, and build a squad of Rocketeers once you have them available (you will only need these few pillboxes if done correctly, nowhere near the mass of defenses to the south). Send the squad of Rocketeers due east, where you will find an Airfield and 2 Oil Rigs, guarded by a Sentry Gun and a tank. Destroy the gun and tank with your Rocketeers, then send Engineers to capture the tech buildings. Build Pillboxes all around these tech buildings, and some Prism Towers a bit later on (after the next part, power won’t be an issue). Also, drop some of your initial paratroopers or send some GI’s to occupy the buildings around the Tech buildings. Keeping control of these Tech Buildings will make the mission far more manageable; they may in fact be the key to beating it easily, so spare no expenses in guarding them. I built some of my later buildings, such as my Lightning Storm Generator (the new fun superweapon you get in this level) in the streets to the Northeast, and I had so many defenses just south of the tech buildings that the Northeast sector ended up becoming just a part of my main base.

With cash flowing in now from 6 oil rigs and 2 refineries, and free paradrops adding considerably to your defenses, your next/other worry is power. The enemy will provide this for you, almost on a silver platter. Get two Engineers into a helicopter, then send it straight east, as far as the level will allow. Then send it straight down the right edge of the level, to about the midway point between the top and bottom of the level. Here you’ll find 2 Nuclear Power Plants, unguarded and just waiting for you to capture them. As with the other Tech Buildings, spare no expense in guarding them. They will alleviate any power concerns for the rest of the level, if guarded properly. I’ve found that live defenders (men and tanks) draw more attention to the plants than base defenses. Note that this outpost is BEHIND a moderately-large enemy base, so it will be beyond your reach to rescue if you don’t build enough defenses. The enemy may go for the plants later in the level, when they become desperate because they are losing, but by that point you should have Rocketeer and plane troops to send in for support.

With the Tech Buildings and Power Plants up and guarded, finish your tech tree with the superweapons and begin planning attacks.

3. Attack - The main enemy base is strong, very strong, with a multitude of varied defenses, including far too many of the dreaded Apocalypse tanks. Your attacks will require coordinated assaults between plane squads, lightning storms and chronoshift troops. It seems the enemy does not rebuild any destroyed superweapons, so it is probably best to start with these.

Start by launching a Lightning Storm; then as soon as the screen turns bluish (signaling an impending storm) order your planes to attack. If done correctly, the planes will reach the structure just after the storm ends (so they aren’t destroyed by lightning) but before the enemy can repair the structure. Use about 12 or 16 planes, as before; the enemy has a lot of anti-air between you and those superweapons. While the storm is raging, begin the process to Chronoshift a group of Prism Tanks, but don’t land them there until the storm has ended. Place them somewhere outside the walls or at the corners of the base, where their superior range can be an advantage. Finish off the Superweapon under attack (if it isn’t already destroyed by lightning and planes) then hit Barracks, War Factories, Nuclear power plants or anti-air. Beware the Nuclear plants though, they cause small nuclear explosions when destroyed and can wipe out your Prisms if you’re too close.

Keep repeating these coordinated assaults until both Conyards (there is one to the west), both Superweapons and all Barracks, War Factories and Nuclear power plants have been destroyed. Then you can either clean up some of the troops and smaller bases between you and the Black Guard, or move straight on to the big guys. Use Lightning Storms first on the black Veteran Apocalypses, they’ll ravage your Prisms, but the Prisms can be used as additional support after the storms. The Prisms can also destroy the Black Guard defenses. But DON’T destroy the Kremlin; your mission is to capture Romanov, not kill him.

With the Elite Guard gone you’ve won, and beaten the Allied campaign! After a few funny (and attractive) scenes, the credits will roll. I beat this final level in about an hour, well under the 1:30:00 par time.

~ Lady ~