Bold Forge Runner

Purpose: A powerful and versatile running build that can be used to run most of the areas in Guild Wars, possibly even the infamous Droks run.

Skills Used:

1. Sprint 2. Charge! 3. Balanced Stance 4. Endure Pain 5. Remove Hex 6. Healing Signet 7. Holy Veil 8. Signet of Stamina


Strength - 12

Tactics- 12

Swordsmanship - 3

A sword or axe with +30HP and a +5 energy inscription.
A shield with +30HP and -5/20% mods.
Minor runes of tactics and strength. Superior runes of absorption and vigor.
Sentinel insignias, since you will have 13 strength at all times with the rune.

This is quite possibly the best running build available to runners, and has been a long-time favorite for everything from the Crystal Desert to Droks.

Start by using Signet of Stamina and casting Holy Veil on yourself. Signet of Stamina will increase your maximum health by around 250. This increase will last forever, as long as you do not attack anyone (which you shouldn't since you are running, not fighting). Holy Veil will cause all hexes cast on you to take twice as long to cast, allowing you to get further before those annoying slow-down hexes hit. When ended, this maintained enchantment will also strip one hex from you, allowing you to get going again.

Your first four skills are the main ones you will use WHILE running (as opposed to before you go or during rest periods). Sprint is your standard speed boost skill to get past most enemies. "Charge!" can also be added to Sprint for longer stretches or more persistant enemies.

If there are enemies that can cause knockdowns, you will need to use Balanced Stance. You cannot stack multiple stances, so Sprint will be useless here. This is why "Charge!" is such an important elite skill, because it allows you to move quickly while preventing knockdowns.

In case of trouble, first use Endure Pain to increase your health and see if you can get away from your pursuers. Once you escape, use Healing Signet to get back to full health. If you are caught up by some slowing hexes, more than Holy Veil can handle, use Remove Hex to get going again.

Remember, to be a good runner you have to just keep on going through enemy groups until you reach safe points. You don't want to be using Remove Hex or Healing Signet while being attacked, especially since Healing Signet reduces your armor drastically. With the 2 skills you used before starting and the 4 you have to use while running, you should be able to get through most groups ok. (for additional help in running specific areas, just e-mail me at the address listed on the site)