Mission 10: Operation: Mirage

1. Survival/Build-up – Before the waves of Soviets arrive, you’ll have a minute or two to prepare. Start building up the tech tree as fast as possible; the new Spy Satellite will be a big help on this level. Build pillboxes just above and below the base, just outside the walls, as one wave will come from above and one from below. Also build a few Grizzlies and start your Rocketeer squadrons.

Also, upon gaining battlefield control immediately send your spare MVC down to Einstein’s lab and start building a secondary base. Start with an Ore Refinery, the ore fields just south of the lab will make for fast cash. Follow up with some base serious base defenses, the enemy will make numerous attempts to destroy Einstein’s lab throughout the mission (which would end in a failed mission). Also, keep some Engineers just near the lab to repair it in case of a powerful Soviet invasion. Once your Spy Sat and Rocketeer squads are up and ready, you should be able to head off most attack groups before they even reach this secondary base.
The first three waves to attack your main base will come from north, south and east. Move your Rocketeers and Grizzlies around to counter the threats, and keep a sharp eye out for the V2 Rocket Launchers. They can wipe some important buildings from your base before you notice them if you are not careful. The Rocketeers are ideal for stopping them (with a few planes for a faster strike). A few minutes after the first waves, the dreaded Apocalypse tanks will attack. Building a few extra Grizzlies and Prism Towers will help stop them.

2. Attack – None of the three enemy bases in this level are considerably strong. I actually worked on destroying more than one at a time. I used 3-4 plane squads to take out one base; once the Conyard and unit-producing buildings were gone the base powered down and all the troops rushed my main base (which wasn’t really hard to repulse).
To get the other bases, I used some more sneaky tactics. I made two spies, then sent them to the base on the far right. You should be able to get one into the Refinery for cash and another into the War Factory so you can make veteran Prism Tanks. A group of veteran Prism Tanks worked just as well on wiping these relatively weak bases.

~ Lady ~