Mist Farmer

Purpose: This is a solo farming build designed to kill the mass of trolls in the cave outside of Droknar's Forge.

Skills Used:

1. Flame Djinn's Haste 2. Inferno 3. Flame Burst 4. Liquid Flame 5. Mist Form 6. Arcane Echo 7. Glyph of Lesser Energy 8. Fire Attunement

Water Magic - 12
Energy Storage - 9
Fire Magic - 9

Use a water staff with the innate mod that recharges water spells twice as fast (20% chance). On this staff, attach an Insightful Staff Head for more energy and a Staff Wrapping of Enchanting to lengthen the duration of your crucial Mist Form enchantment.
Get Minor or Major runes of Water Magic, Fire Magic and Energy Storage.


This build is based on being able to herd the trolls together, and to then maintain Mist Form while you kill them with the AoE based spells. Before you get within aggro range of the trolls, cast Fire Attunement and Glyph of Lesser Energy, both of which will ensure you have sufficient energy to finish off the trolls. You will also want to cast Arcane Echo before you move within aggro, to be sure that you do not die in the initial few seconds.

Your success depends on having Mist Form up before the troll groups start to damage you, but casting it before you aggro them will probably mean you'll run out of time before they die. So move into aggro range, and as they all swarm around you, this is when you will cast. That way, by the time your Mist Form is done casting, they should be close enough for you to start damaging them.

With Mist Form up, start unloading your AoE damage spells (the first 4 slots). If some trolls start to leave, wait for them to come back before firing again. Also, use Glyph of Lesser Energy whenever it becomes available.

The crucial part is knowing when to cast the Echoed version of Mist Form, because Mist Form does not usually recharge fast enough to be used repeatedly (sometimes the 20/20 on your staff will make it recharge faster, but even then you want to use the echoed version). At the levels described above, your Mist Form should last about 24 seconds. Arcane Echo only retains the skill for 20 seconds. So when Mist Form is about 2/3 used up (judging by the bar in the top left corner) you should recast the echoed version. Recast at halfway the first couple of times to be safe, until you get the hang of the build.

This second Mist Form will last until the original is recharged, which you can then also cast. This gives you the duration of 3 Mist Forms to kill your foes, which should be plenty if you are using the energy management skills.

Note: I have not used this build to kill the Troll bosses, who take an annoyingly long time to fight. This build is designed to drop the big groups quickly and repeatedly.